Saturday 28 June 2014

What is a digipak?

What is a digipak?
  • A style of CD or DVD packaging.
  • A registered trademark of AGI-Shorewood, and Atlas Holdings LLC company.
  • Usually consists of 4-8 panels.
  • Printed on card with a plastic case inside to hold the CD.
  • Folds out like a book, rather than that of opening a conventional case.
  • Usually they do not contain any extra information compared to plastic CD cases, but instead contains lots of images.
  • Digipak's are designed to be cheaper and easier to produce than a normal jewel case.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Production Diary #1

This week we begun to look at ideas for our music videos. Initially, I was quite confused on what to do as I had no ideas however now I feel spoilt for choice! I am quite interested in doing a music video with a narrative - I enjoy to watch music videos that have a story line as sometimes music videos with performers can get a bit tedious at times.

We watched a few music videos and discussed what was going on in them. I feel like this helped me to develop ideas a lot. I liked the ideas of creating a parody, such as in Iggy Azalea's Fancy which is based on the film Clueless. I also find the idea of multiple personalities and transformation of character quite interesting. Split Screen also looked quite fun - it's definitely not something that you see every day so it would be quite exciting to create.
Coldplay created a very fascinating music video for The Scientist. It is filmed backwards so the leadsinger, Chris Martin, had to learn the lyrics backwards so that the lip syncing would fit! I would love to create something like this however it might be a little bit too difficult.

At the moment, I am still quite undecided on what I want to do in terms of genre and what type of music video to create, however one thing I do have planned is who is going to be in it. One of my friends, Ruth, attends dance classes regularly and has offered to help me so I feel that she is a good choice, as a natural performer, so my music video will benefit from her greatly. I also have some other friends who have offered their help if I need any back up dancers.

Some songs that I have thought of using are Beyonce - Run The World (Girls), Coldplay - Magic, Paramore - The Only Exception, Wilkinson - Afterglow, Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me and The 1975 - Falling For You. As you can see, these songs are all from different genres so I think planning ahead with songs will help so that it requires less time to think about when I get to that stage.

Some videos that I am inspired by: