Sunday 28 September 2014

Production Diary #7

This week, I have done a lot of research within the music industry such as looking into festivals and music labels, the influences of the pop industry and completing an analysis of lyrics to 'Primadonna' by Marina and the Diamonds, which is the song that I plan to use. I have also done some research into my audience.
Half way during the week, however, I was listening to music on my TV and came across another song that I could use - and ideas quickly sprung to mind about what video I could make from it. The song is 'Control' by Matrix and Futurebound, a fairly upbeat, dance song which I feel is different and I could create a narrative video to. This differs to 'Primadonna', as although I would love to use it, I haven't had many ideas for the video yet which is worrying me - so using 'Control' is plan B.
I hope to really come up with some ideas for Primadonna otherwise I will switch the song and start cracking on with developing some of the ideas that I already have from 'Control'. I hope to do this within the next few lessons by conducting a little bit more research and then completing some planning tasks.

Music Labels

Audience Research


§The primary audience of my music video would be fans of Marina and the Diamonds as the song would be on her album and therefore the fans would watch the video.
§It could also be aimed at people who generally like the pop genre, and not just necessarily Marina and the Diamonds.
§This audience is generally girls aged between 12-25.

§The audience would be mainly teenage girls around the ages of 12-25.
§They would generally have an interest in shopping: in the typical age category shops for my audience include  Topshop, MissGuided and River Island.§This audience would be interested in the appearance of the artist as well as how she represents herself through her fashion choices.
§They would also pay attention to the lyrics of the song and due to the pop genre they would be very up beat and catchy.
§They would also be interested in attending music festivals and concerts. Some typical festivals that they would go to includes, Capital’s Summertime Ball, V-Festival and Wireless.
§Social networking will play a huge role in interaction with my audience. I believe this because pop artists and their fans rely on their phones and are often using their phones for platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, where they can see what their favourite artists are doing and actively communicate with them.

§ As I have previously mentioned, social networking sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter allow fans to keep up to date with their favourite artists as well as being able to find out extra information about the artist. This is because almost all music artists use these social networking sites regularly to keep fans up to date with what they are doing, gigs, and release dates as well as competitions to interact with their fans.
§YouTube is another way that fans are able to keep up to date with their favourite artists as they are able to watch their new videos and songs as soon as they are released free of charge. They would be able to post the video and anyone around the world would be able to watch it, which is a positive thing for the artist as it spreads quickly and can instantly boost their fame.
§The artist website may also be used by the fans as this would be kept up to date and new things would be posted as soon as they are released. This also allows anyone to visit it and would allow the audience to find out more about the artist. Merchandise is often sold on artists websites as well as pre-sales available for the fans when they have a tour in the nearby future.
§Magazines can also be used to communicate with fans as they would have new information and interviews with the artists. These magazines may include ones such as Top of the Pops, We Love Pop and Billboard.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Production Diary #6

In the last week, I have completed a variety of research tasks in order to consolidate my knowledge of the music industry. Tasks I have completed includes research on the artist I am using (Marina And The Diamonds), existing music channels, equipment and videos I admire. I feel as though the equipment and videos I admire were the most beneficial posts for me, as I discussed the pros and cons of using the equipment I have access to and how I can use them for the project. The videos I admire also helped me as I explained why I am influenced by particular videos and what technicques I could possibly grab with them, for example in the music video 'Fancy' where a wide variety of props for mise-en-scene are used. In the next lesson, I hope to complete a few planning tasks so that I can generally get a move on and begin to shoot as soon as I can.

Videos I admire

A music video I admire is 'Young and Beautiful' by Lana Del Rey. It is very classic and I like how a wide variety of shots are used on Lana as well as from the movie 'The Great Gatsby'. I also like the mise-en-scene - Lana is dressed very elegantly in a long, sparkly dress. It matches the song very well as it is old fashioned and very flamboyant. Her makeup is also very well suited to the song; she is wearing bold, red lipstick combined with sleek eyeliner and teardrops painted on to her cheek. The use of the orchestra is very effective because it is a signifier of the music that we can hear in the soundtrack. The video is generally very dark with colours of red, yellows and blues - all primary colours, which indicates that the video is very stylised and chic. I would love to create a video like this however I do not have access to most of the things that this video seems to boast - such as the lights, costumes and use of musical instruments to match with the music.

Another music video that I admire is 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea. This music video is heavily based on the classic movie 'Clueless' which was released in 1995. A lot of mise-en-scene is used so that the video accurately mimics the film, and it was even filmed at the same school that the film was shot in! There is some dance as well as narrative as we see Iggy in the most popular scenes from the film - at school, in the car, during gym class and at a party. A wide variety of shots are used such as close ups of Iggy, and long/wide shots to show off all of the locations, costumes and props. I would love to create a music video like this, however, again I do not have the privilege of working within these locations or access to props. I do hope to keep my video as upbeat as this one, as the pace of it matches with the song - especially with the little dance routines and conventional mannerisms.


Existing music channels

Marina & The Diamonds

Thursday 11 September 2014

Conventions of a music video

Production Diary #5

Today, I spent the first half of the lesson completing a task about researching the different genres in music. I discussed pop, alternative, hip hop, rap, country and rock which helped me come to the conclusion that I would like to use an alternative/pop song for my music video. I have chosen to use the song 'Primadonna by Marina and The Diamonds' as the song is very fun and energetic with a great, edgy beat. I feel like the model (my friend, Ruth) I have chosen to play the lead singer in the video will fit the role of Marina perfectly as they share similar characteristics, and I feel as though if Ruth was a real singer then this would be the music that she would produce - which is always a plus sign, which will hopefully benefit my work significantly.

Key Concepts 1A and 1B
