Monday 24 November 2014

Draft album and digipak

Production Diary #8

In the past few lessons I have been completing some planning and research posts to keep up to date with the project. This includes an editing software analysis, a location recce, proposal, risk assessment and contact with the artist. I plan on conducting as much research as I can until I film my music video and start editing it together so that I have as much done as possible.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Test shoot: Green screen

In my last leson I decided to do a test shoot with my artist to figure out whether I should use a black studio or a green screen. In the test shoot, I realised that it would be best to use the black studio because, as you can see, when she spins around you can still very clearly see the green lines around her, especially her hair. Although using a green screen would have meant that I would be able to control the video a lot more in the editing process, the black studio will definitely enable me to have a better quality and an overall more professional look. Here are some photos taken during the test shoot:

Monday 3 November 2014

Draft album cover


I have created my draft album cover so that closer to the timem, when I have all of the relevant material, I will quickly and easily be able to drop everything in. I plan to consistently use the same fonts although the font used is subject to change. The image is currently a placeholder as I am yet to hold a photoshoot for the images that I will use for this project. I have chosen to use two reviews so that the audience will be persuaded to buy the album as they think it'll be good - especially from trusted music critics and magazines such as NME and The Guardian. Also, I have added social networking at the bottom so that the audience can interact with the artist.

Editing images - 3D effect



For my album cover and digipak, I have decided to go with a '3D' looking theme as it stands out and makes the image look really different and interesting. I decided to use an image of Ruth (who's going to be in my music video) from my AS coursework which she also partook in, so that I could play around with the effects and decide what would look best for when I have my real images ready. This will also help me to familarise myself with Photoshop and the tools used to create this effect. I plan on using another image that has a background so that I can enhance the image further and make her pop out of the image. The theme that I want to go with is very vintage and dream-like therefore the editing process is vital for the photos that I will use in this project.